Myrmidons are here…

Leo M
Published in
2 min readDec 5, 2021


Have you noticed “Myrmidons” floating around the Discord? Well, this brief write up is an attempt to explain who we are and some of the things we have planned.

I like to think that we are the sword and shield at the front line of battle️!

IRL we are core community members, with trusted mod permissions to trouble shoot, ban spammers/scammers, and help bring more value to the community. The idea was spawned by our wise community wizard Oops, who wanted to create a role where users received recognition for going above and beyond in Zapper’s Discord Community. Things are evolving and you might see Myrmidons turn into something even bigger. Recently we helped ENS.Domains with a major bot scam problem and we are eager to help other amazing projects as well. After all, Zapper is about improving the Web3 experience, bridging the gaps/fractionalization in order to onboard the masses! This experiment is proof that that Web3 is filled with amazing people from all different backgrounds & skill sets, coming together to help each other out!

Myrmedia is where Myrmidons will share their personal Web3 journeys, tips for alpha & safety, and other learning opportunities (not to be confused with the amazing resources you’ll get through Zapper Learn). Each of the Myrmidons have a story to share. How we got here, what we are learning along the way, and how much we love Zapper. We have a lot planned for you and can’t wait to share. You might have also noticed we are expanding our ranks and inviting more Myrmidons and Hoplites to help spread the good word! In addition, Oops has created the role of the Citizen within the Zapper Discord. This is an attempt to create sybil resistance and make sure that we acknowledge real users of Zapper in some way. This should improve the quality of contests, competitions, and give-aways in the future. So be a good citizen and you will quickly find the role granted!

If you don’t already, follow our twitter page and we will see you around!

**Special shout out to Lindsay for providing amazing advice, and Oops for believing in the me and the Myrmidons!**

As always, none of this is financial advice!



Leo M

Fell down the Web3 rabbit hole and found DEFI & NFTs on Ethereum. The goal is to give back to the community and have fun.